EDUMUSIKAUniversitas Negeri Padangen-USEDUMUSIKA2986-6510Peningkatan Keterampilan Bernyanyi Vokal Solo Menggunakan Metode Imitasi Bagi Siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Pertiwi 2 Padang
<p>This research aims to describe the process of the imitation method to improve solo vocal singing skills for class VIII students at SMP Pertiwi 2 Padang. This research is qualitative research that uses the imitation method. The instrument for this research was the researcher himself and was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing instruments, piano instruments. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews, documentation, literature study. Data analysis techniques are collecting data, classifying data, clarifying data, analyzing data, describing and concluding. The problem formulated in this research is whether using the imitation method can improve students' singing skills in solo vocal singing. This type of Classroom Action Research (PTK) consists of two cycles. Each cycle includes the stages of planning, implementation, observation, evaluation, reflection. The research results showed that the use of the imitation method showed positive results from the first cycle and the second cycle was carried out optimally. The results of the research and discussion can be concluded that there is an increase in solo vocal singing skills through the imitation method, which was obtained from a total of 27 students who obtained an average score in the pre-cycle of 56% in the poor category because there were still many students who did not understand how to apply solo vocal singing using Correct. In cycle I, the students' average score was 64% compared to the average score in the pre-cycle, there was no significant increase because many did not understand how to apply solo vocal singing techniques. In the cycle where the students' average score was 81% in this cycle, it was seen that they had improved significantly, in the solo vocal singing technique the students also applied it correctly and improved the students' singing abilities.</p>Niko Siregar NikoJagar Lumbantoruan
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2024-12-102024-12-102421522410.24036/em.v2i4.105Analisis Teknik Bermain dan Melodi Lagu “Tristezas de um Violão” (Choro Triste No. 1) karya Garoto
<p>This study analyzes the guitar techniques and melody in Garoto's *"Tristezas de um Violão"* (Choro Triste No. 1), arranged by Paulo Bellinati. The focus is on identifying classical guitar techniques such as barre, arpeggio, and glissando, and exploring the uniqueness of the melody. Using a descriptive approach and literature study method, data were collected through observation, documentation, and processing of primary and secondary sources. The results reveal that Garoto applied innovative and expressive guitar techniques, emphasizing technical and aesthetic elements that enhance the choro genre. Techniques like smooth glissando and dynamic arpeggios reflect a distinct and emotional playing style. Additionally, the melody structure demonstrates Garoto's creativity in blending traditional and modern elements. In conclusion, this study provides a deep understanding of Garoto's playing style, its relevance to classical guitarists, and its contribution to the choro music genre. The interpretation of the techniques and melodies offers valuable insights for music enthusiasts and inspiration for further development of guitar techniques.</p>Juan Kevin KalluTulus Handra Kadir
Copyright (c) 2024 EDUMUSIKA
2024-12-112024-12-112422523610.24036/em.v2i4.118Analisis Struktur Lagu Bendera Ciptaan Eross Candra
<p>This research aims to analyze the song structure used in the song Bendera. This research method is a qualitative method with a systematic content analysis approach, objectivity and generalization. Data collection techniques through literature study and laboratory work. Data analysis techniques are carried out from the stages of listening to recordings, playing melodies, transcribing songs, analyzing song structures, describing and drawing conclusions. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the song Bendera shows that the structure of the song is a song with a three-part form (A-B-C) which is a development in the form of a period (A-B-B'-Bridge-C-C1). There are four basic rhythmic motifs and melodic motifs that make up the song Bendera, there are 9 types, namely m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t and u which are then developed by processing the motifs so that 10 types of motifs emerge, namely n1, o1, o2 , o3, r1, s1, t1, u1, u2, and u3. There are 11 phrases in the Bendera song, including five antecedent phrases and six consequent phrases. Cadences found in the Bendera song include perfect cadences, half cadences, half plagal cadences and deviant cadences. The lyrics and melody in the song Bendera are filled in a neumatic form where each word is filled with several notes.</p>Fajri RafliAyuthia Mayang SariJagar Lumbantoruan
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2024-12-112024-12-112423724710.24036/em.v2i4.114Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Drum Band di SMA N 1 Batusangkar
<p>This study aims to describe the extracurricular activities of the drum band at SMA N 1 Batusangkar. The type of research is qualitative research using descriptive methods. Data collection techniques are carried out through literature studies, interviews, observations, and documentation, data analysis techniques are collecting data, clarifying data and concluding data. The results of this study show that the results of drumand extracurricular activities at SMA N 1 Batusangkar are running well. Drumband extracurricular activities at SMA N 1 Batusangkar were carried out 17 times. Drumband extracurricular activities at SMA N 1 Batusangkar have several important stages, ranging from planning to evaluation. This study examines the implementation of Drumband extracurricular activities, with a focus on the selection, training, and evaluation of members as well as the management of musical instruments. The results of the research concluded that the activity ran smoothly thanks to the support of coaches and coaches. Various training methods, such as the observation method, demonstration method, individual training method, group training method and combined training method are important factors in maintaining the smooth running of the activity. Despite facing several obstacles, such as student discipline and the accuracy of notes in playing music, the efforts made by coaches and coaches were able to overcome them. The implication of this study is the importance of paying attention to these activities to ensure the smooth running and for students involved in Drumband activities.</p>Arif Rahman Arif Rahman Harisnal Hadi
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2024-12-112024-12-112424825710.24036/em.v2i4.111Metode Drill Pada Pembelajaran PIP Gitar Elektrik Di SMK Negeri 7 Padang
<p>This study aims to describe the application of the drill method in learning the Main Instrument Practice (PIP) of electric guitar for class XI students at SMKN 7 Padang. The research method used is a descriptive research method that focuses on the drill method in learning PIP electric guitar at SMKN 7 Padang. The results of this study make students focus, actively practice, and get the opportunity to correct mistakes with direct guidance from the teacher using the drill method. This method allows teachers to monitor student development directly, so that the learning process becomes more focused. During learning, students showed a high enthusiasm for learning, which not only improved their guitar playing skills but also created an active and dynamic classroom atmosphere. Teaching and learning activities ran smoothly, triggering student enthusiasm in following the lesson. The use of fingering, picking, and pentatonic scale technique materials is very appropriate, because this material is the basis for playing electric guitar well and correctly. By learning these basic techniques, students will understand the basic techniques of playing electric guitar and can improve their individual abilities.</p>Angga AgusnadiIrdhan Epria Darma Putra
Copyright (c) 2024 EDUMUSIKA
2024-12-132024-12-132425826810.24036/em.v2i4.119Pelaksanaan Metode Demonstrasi Pada Ekstrakurikuler Drumband di SMP Negeri 2 Padang
<p>This research aims to describe the implementation of the demonstration method in extracurricular drumband at SMP Negeri 2 Padang. This research is classified as qualitative research and the method used is descriptive analysis. The research instrument is the researcher himself as the main instrument. Data collection was supported through the stages of literature study, observation, interviews, and audio and video recording during the drumband extracurricular implementation. Drumband extracurricular activities are held once a week, namely Thursday after teaching and learning activities are finished, then this activity is supervised by the arts and culture teacher himself. The results of this research are the implementation of the demonstration method in the drumband extracurricular at SMP Negeri 2 Padang, namely: 1) The implementation of the demonstration method can make it easier for students during the extracurricular activity process. 2) Rhythmic percussion and melodic percussion musical instruments develop better with demonstration methods that help students during the process of carrying out drumband extracurricular activities. 3) Students are more enthusiastic and motivated to take part in drumband extracurricular activities.</p>Afifah HilmiIrdhan Epria Darma Putra
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